The title of this post has a double meaning. You're probably wondering what this moodboard/outfit has to do with it. Well, let me explain the double meaning:
1) The moodboard/outfit was made for a giveaway on Stéphanie's blog: Style Lab. We had to put together our perfect summer outfit with items from the River Island online shop and Sté would pick a winner afterwards. She actually chose 5 winners and out of those there will be one BIG winner who receives a gift voucher worth €100 to shop at RI. How cool is that?! Best blog birthday gift ever (StyleLab blew 1 blogging candle, hihi ^^)! Now, I need you guys again... Vote for me on this poll and I might receive the voucher to shop my perfect (Belgian) summer outfit! And that's what the not spending a dime stands for... if I win, I won't be spending anything but the voucher, haha
2) I woke up this morning and realised I spend to much money on small and stupid things like food, train rides and so on... All my well earned money seems to dissappear due to these silly expenses :/ I decided to keep my money safe and not spend a dime as of today until friday (saturday = shopping time, sunday = sea side time) and this every week. Sounds good, no? I'll make my own lunch at home, so that I don't have to buy it at work and drinks are free (duh, I work at Coca-Cola Enterprises ^^)! This way, I might have more money to buy clothing or technology stuff :p Yeah, I know I'm quite the blogger geek!
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