Friday, 28 January 2011

Filippa K


Hi there! 

First of all... No more studying for me! I'm free for about two weeks and then school begins again and honestly? I can't wait! Because I kind of like what I'm studying (journalism) and I love my friends at school!

Okay, now the real business... I've been receiving some emails about Filippa K. Let's start with the return of the Angie Jeans. It's not really my style because I don't like jeans, but I'm not really into the shape and color either. But it's kind of important in the history of F.K. because it was their first iconic product in 1995. Back then, the designs, cuts and fabric directly corresponded to what people felt as modern and desirable in those days (UPR). 

Second newsflash I received: the new SS 2011 campaign.They were shot by the Swedish photographer Camilla Åkrans in the Swedish archipelago. Camilla has shot an editorial spread in the Vogue China February 2011 edition but H&M, Vogue Germany and Harper's Bazaar also made her list. The beautiful Filippa K clothes were worn by models Vincent Lacrocq and Katrin Thorman. Styling was done by Robert Rydberg, who has already done styling for H&M, Man About Town, Elle, Sisley and many more...

This is what Eva Boding, marketing director at Filippa K has to say:

"This season’s campaign is about bringing back the essence of Filippa K, the
Scandinavian heritage, the pure and simple style and an intimate feel. We felt there
was a perfect match between photographer Camilla Åkrans and top models Katrin
and Vincent along with the minimalistic vibe of the collection."

I can only agree with what Eva said! The simplicity of these shots attract me. We can't really see the clothes in details, but the models give me the feeling that those clothes are pretty and ready to wear. But what is a Scandinavian brand without minimalism? Nothing, right?! 

And then, last but not least: the Filippa K store opening in february! Can't wait to go and discover the whole collection in real life!

Some more pictures of this lovely collection:

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Monday, 24 January 2011

Louboutin Spring Summer Tour


Khuonh Nguyen, a designer and photographer based in France, is really talented. His creative skills have brought him from the covers of WAD to shooting already two Louboutin lookbooks. This year, it's called Louboutin Spring Summer Tour, while last year it was  Louboutin Winter Tales (very Alice in Wonderland inspired). I don't really think this lookbook has a specific theme, although some colors we saw on the runway keep popping in some shots: turquoise, fuschia, pink, blue, purple and of course red. I've just recently discovered his work, although I saw some of his spreads in WAD Magazine. Together with Massimo Gammacurta (seen here), he's my favorite photographer! I also wanted to share my three favorite pictures of last year's lookbook, so I did (last three pictures).

Khuong Nguyen is niet alleen een Franse designer en fotograaf, maar ook nog een heel getalenteerd. Zijn creatieve skills hebben hem dan ook al gebracht op de covers van WAD en ook kreeg hij al twee keer de kans om voor de lookbooks van Louboutin te shooten. Dit jaar heet deze Louboutin Spring Summer Tour en die van vorig jaar Louboutin Winter Tales (heel fel geïnspireerd op Alice in Wonderland). Dit jaar heeft de lookbook volgens mij niet echt een specifiek thema, maar de vele kleuren die we al op verschillende catwalks zagen, komen hier ook een beetje in voor: fuschia, blauw, turquoise, roze, paars en natuurlijk rood. Ik ontdek nog maar net Nguyen zijn werk, maar had wel al eerder de vele pagina's van hem in WAD Magazine gezien. Samen met Massimo Gammacurta (zie hier), is hij één van mijn favoriete fotografen. De lookbook van vorig jaar wou ik ook delen met jullie, dus kijk maar naar de drie laatste foto's.

Source: Trendland
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Sunday, 23 January 2011

Anarchic at K-Nal


So these are a few shots I took at the Anarchic party at K-Nal last friday. I decided to make pictures of other people attending the party in stead of me. It's both weird and funny how people notice you when you've got a giant camera in your hands. I took some shots, gave them my (brand new) business cards et voilà... These were probably the only cool people at the party and I'm glad they were willing to pose for me! Thank you all :)

P.S. I think I should keep my focus on automatic when shooting in the dark :p
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Friday, 21 January 2011

Lancel BB Party


Yesterday I was invited to the Lancel BB Party where they presented the new store and the Brigitte Bardot bag collection (see above). I'll be honest with you guys... that bag is really not my thing! The shape isn't that bad but I'm not really a fan of all those details... The party was okay. I was really thankful to be invited and I've seen a lot of people I knew from the Belgian fashion industry (bloggers included), but the store was too small for so many people. The poor guys and girls who had to get through a bunch of people to serve them with drinks and snacks. Anyways, I took my mom with me, because she's a big fan of Lancel. She was really happy she could be there too! The BB bags were not the only ones in store, so I took some snaps of other bags  and accessories I did like.

Gisteren was ik uitgenodigd op de BB Party van Lancel, waar ze de nieuwe winkel ingewijd hebben, maar ook hun Brigitte Bardotcollectie (eerste drie foto's) aan het publiek toonden. Ik ga heel eerlijk zijn met jullie... die BB-tas is echt niet mijn ding! De vorm valt op zich wel mee, maar al die kleine details heb ik niet zo graag. Het feestje was oké. Ik was blij om uitgenodigd te zijn en ik heb veel mensen van de Belgische modewereld gezien (inclusief bloggers!), maar de winkel was echt veel te klein voor zoveel mensen! Ook met de jongens en meisjes die er moesten werken, had ik medelijden. Ze moesten door alle mensen gaan om hen hapjes en drankjes aan te bieden. Anyways, ik had mijn mama bij me, want zij is een grote fan van Lancel en ja, zij was dus heel blij om daar te zijn. Maar zoals je op de andere foto's kan zien, waren er niet alleen de BB-zakken, maar ook andere zakken en accessoires dat ik wel mooi vond.

The girls working at the entrance were dressed in a long canvas skirt inspired by the wedding dress Brigitte Bardot wore. / De meisjes die aan de ingang stonden, droegen een ruitjesrok dat geïnspireerd was op de trouwjurk van Brigitte Bardot.

Vintage skirt - Urban Outfitters top - Balenciaga bracelet - Asos ring - Triwa watch - Uterquë shoes (sister's)
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Thursday, 20 January 2011

NYFW with Fashiolista


            Win a trip for 2 to New York Fashion Week
            Love it!


Some of you may have seen this add already on Stylescrapbook, but I thought I'd give my chances on winning another boost, so I'm showing it to you guys. I'm actually slimming my chances, but what the heck. You won't die trying ;) Isn't it an exciting thing to win? Fingers crossed!



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Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Got a secret. Can you keep it?

Wondering which brand this is? Or you already know? Well ... there's something special going on in February that is circulating all over the press right now. I'd like to keep it a secret as long as possible, because it's really something exciting! You'll know everything after it's officially in stores. Which means: keep visiting!

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To all you fashionable Belgians out there: This Friday Anarchic party at K-Nal hosted by Dominique Models! Check their Facebook page for more info!

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